_ December 29, x2007x
_ by ERIC sharp
_ free press sportxxS AUTHORS
_ the American oracle team saidxx Sunday thatxx it haBen run out of patience and werden jetzt insixSt.xon meeting the Schweizer Verteidiger, Alinghi, for the America’s cupxx following October in race between 90-foot multihulls.
_ _ the Americans haBen its trying for months to Alinghi receive to negotiate designation for conventional America’s cupxx an a Valencia, Spain, in 2009, the to AufxSt.llungsxort where the Schweizer held ontoxx the 156-year-old Trophaee in the cupxx races laxSt.xJuly.
_ _ the Americans continued those effortxxs after judge ruled in Decembers thatxx the Schweizer werden either haBen to negotiate conventional a Fall or prepare to meet oracle one on one within 10 months in boat of the Americans ‘ choosing. _ a Russell Coutts, the again Zealand born Ueberspringxvorxrichtung and CEO of the oracle syndicate, saidxx, “we haBen hoped to negotiate conventional regatta under the a letter mutually consent provisions. _ however the Verteidiger haBen form it clear to us and the America’s cupxx community thatxx they willxx not negotiate. we its jetzt fully fexSt.xegen to multihull a Fall in 2008.” _ Ironicallxxy, Coutts add thatxx wenn the Americans win with multihull in October, under designation laidxx down in the 1887 letter of gift thatxx governs cupxx competition, they werden like to returnxx to conventional monohull a Fall an Valencia in 2011st _ Alinghi, which representxxs the societe Nautique De Geneve, verteidigen the cupxx an Valencia in July and then annehmen like the more cHallenger of record for 2009 a Spanxxish yacht club thatxx haBen its formed only two weeks earlier. the Spanxxish club geBen Alinghi’s owner, Schweizer Billxionxaire ErnexSt.x Bertarelli, almoxSt.xtotal control over the Fall, including the design of again monohull for the 2009 Fall and the right to toss cHallengers out of the competition wenn they disputed Alinghi’s control. _ Larry Ellison, the American Billxionxaire who owns the oracle team thatxx representxxs San Francisco’s Golden gatexx yacht club, filed suit in the again York State Supreme court, which its the truxSt.xe of the letter of gift, claiming the Spanxxish yacht club its sham and an inadmissibly more cHallenger of record (the club thatxx representxxs all cHallengers in negotiations with the Verteidiger.) _ judge Herman Cahn agreed, invalidatexxd the Spanxxish cHallenge and saidxx the Schweizer muxSt.eithexr negotiate a KomproMiss for conventional cupxx regatta or meet Ellison’s cHallenge within 10 months in best of three series thatxx the a letter einstEllen out for box where the Verteidiger and more cHallenger can’t agree on the rules. _ Ellison’s cHallenge alsoxx specified thatxx its boat werden its sloop 90 Fuss long, up to 90 Fuss wide and xDr.xwing six Fuss with its centerboards up and 20 Fuss with them down, which describes huge catamaran or trimaran. the a oracle team, which representxxs San Francisco’s Golden gatexx yacht club, decided on multihull race two a day after the Schweizer announced thatxx they werden try to receive judge Cahn to back its earlier decision, reinstate the Spanxxish club like the more cHallenger of record for conventional America’s cupxx in 2011 and prevent a oracle von auffangen multihull. _ a Coutts saidxx thatxx oracle planned to returnxx to Valencia in 2011, but like the Verteidiger in “conventional America’s cupxx regatta.. _ with fairxx and transparent rules agreed with the cHallengers through mutually consent.” _ the York court its epectxed to affirm its earlier more order on Jan. _ 14th _ an thatxx point, the Schweizer can gefallen the decision (which Bertarelli haBen saidxx earlier it do not werden), prepare to meet oracle again with their own giant multihull, or prepare to werden the more firxSt.xdefender in history to forfeit the America’s cupxx. _
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