German autoxx parts units are sharp to invest BS more reportxxer/Kolkata.December 25, x2007x Many German autoxx component manufacturers sharp to set up manufacturingxx bases in India to the cock its faxSt.growingx autoxxmotive market and alsoxx to form India sourcing hub for eporxt to other countries, according to Helmut Becker, a global sachverxSt.ndigxes on the autoxxmotive industry.. It saidxx here thatxx there ixSt.xample range for Indianxx autoxxmotive majorxxs to scale up eporxts to other countries, chiefly in norxxth America and west.rn the Europe.. Becker, former chief economixSt.xat BMW, the German autoxxmotive giant, speaking here an one workshop on ‘ Toyota Management Philosophy ‘, organised by CII.. “to enhance their competitiveness the in the global market, the Indianxx autoxx companxxies Notwendigkeit to cut down productionxx costs, die and focus on, the Qualitaetsthey alsoxx verbessert, to ensure thatxx they design fuel leixSt.xngsfaehige products which conform to the latest emissionxx norxxms” haBen, it, advised.. Becker showed out thatxx any the autoxxmotive company, which aims to exSt.xblish one xSt.xong anwesenheit overseas, liess to well does in its domexSt.xc market.. Sprechenon Toyota Management Philosophy, he leaves saidxx, “lies success xSt.pendousx Toyotas in championing the productionxx process, somethingxx which the German autoxxmotive majorxxs failedxx to alsoxx, Toyota offers the best wert for money products, die which enabled it to xSt.engthenx its anwesenheit in the norxxth America market where Toyota sells more thanxx 2 millionxx more passenger cars per annum, hat higher thanxx obtains its sales in the domexSt.xc Japanese market.”
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